Ex Libris — Cinema edition

Ex libris, or bookplates, are those small labels (or stamps) you sometimes find inside the front cover of a book. They mark ownership (the name is Latin for “from the books of”) and usually feature a small artwork—something that’s unique to the owner. Just like books, ex libris have been around for centuries, evolving in style and technique. Even today, serious book lovers commission custom designs to personalize their precious collections. It adds an extra bit of magic to the whole book-loving experience.

As a designer, I often turn to ex libris for inspiration. (My favorite place to browse is art-exlibris.net, a massive database of beautiful designs.) Many famous historical figures had their own ex libris, which I find endlessly fascinating to explore. One day, an idea struck me—what if our favourite movie characters took so much pride in their book collections that they commissioned their own ex libris designs?

I couldn't resist. I started sketching concepts as if I’d been hired for the job. My imaginary clients didn't stop ringing, sharing their thoughts and feedbacks. In a way, these are like personal logos. Each design is specific to its owner. My challenge was to tell the character’s story through a small, simple graphic which could be stamped in a book. The pressure was high, and soon enough, I had it—the first Cinema edition Ex Libris package, custom-made for eight movie (anti)heroes:

  • Nanni Moretti from Aprile

  • Vito Corleone from The Godfather

  • Truman Burbank from The Truman Show

  • Harry Potter from Harry Potter film series

  • Norman Bates from Psycho

  • Ace Ventura from Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls

  • Daniel Plainview from There Will Be Blood

  • Vincent Hanna from Heat


01: Nanni Moretti / Aprile (1998)


As a left-wing filmmaker (both in reality and in his semi-autobiographical film Aprile), I just know Nanni Moretti has a vast book collection: political theory, critiques of neoliberalism, Italian politics and history, philosophy, memoirs…


Designing his ex libris, what made most sense was to ignore politics and show his quirky side. Aprile always makes me think of him driving a Vespa, accompanied by some silly music. And if you ever wish to learn how to navigate the streets of Rome on a Vespa, you won’t find a better teacher than Nanni.


02: Vito Corleone / The Godfather (1972)


I would love to browse don Corleone’s bookshelf. I’m sure there are some well-worn biographies of ambitious leaders like Julius Caesar and Napoleon. And maybe in the non-fiction department, a collection of legal texts and case studies to help him navigate the complex world of power and crime.


He is a man of simplicity and elegance, so these were my main guidelines in designing his ex libris. The artwork is based on the iconic cat-stroking scene and the red rose he wore on his suit.


03: Truman Burbank / The Truman Show 1998


It’s hard to visualize Truman Burbank’s bookshelf. I’m not sure if he’s a big reader, but since his situation is quite unique, people in charge are probably curating what’s available to read. I would bet on books that reinforce his contentment and distract him from questioning his reality.


Truman’s extraordinary living arrangement inspired this ex libris design: although unknowingly, he lives under the watchful gaze of the Moon, while a strong fear of water prevents him from leaving the island. Ultimately, though, he does manage to use the sea to find a way out and break free from his controlled environment.


04: Harry Potter / Harry Potter Film Series 2001-2011


Harry Potter surely knew how to find magic inside books so I’m sure he would appreciate having his own ex libris!

ex libris

This design is based on his famous lightning bolt scar which for him meant instant recognition in the magic world. Deer antlers are a reference to the Patronus of the Potter family. And since we’re dealing with a great wizard, I’m pretty sure his ex libris would display cool, supernatural effects when opening a book.


05: Norman Bates / Psycho 1960


Norman Bates has his share of problems, but he’s also a well-read young man, especially interested in psychology and the human mind.

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This monochrome ex libris design is based on Norman’s spooky house with a hint of voyeurism. Approved by his mother!


06: Ace Ventura / Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls 1995


Ace Ventura cares about animals very much, so I’m sure nature books is what we’d find on his bookshelf (and probably some “How to be a good detective” guides as well).

ex libris

This ex libris design is based on the legendary rhino birth scene. It is assumed Ace remembered to bring a flashlight for reading purposes.


07: Daniel Plainview / There Will Be Blood 2007


I don’t know how much time Daniel Plainview has for reading books, but I’m sure there’s enough material in him to write a few on the topics of business and self-improvement.

ex libris

This ex libris design is based on his fiery obsession with oil and success, as well as his not-so-good attitude to religion.


08: Vincent Hanna / Heat 1995


Detective Vincent Hanna looks like someone who reads hardboiled crime novels when he has trouble sleeping, always staying close to his work.

ex libris

His ex libris features a brilliant hunter who can sniff out his prey with only the tiniest clues. And he does most of his work at night.

Neven UdovicicComment